
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church

Date: February 24, 2019

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church
1200 N Campbell Ave
Tucson AZ 85719

Sunday Adult Forum

Our Saviour’s has been my church home since 1985, and it was an honor to speak to my friends and church companions about TALLAK! immigrant. A few diehard Norwegians in the group but in these days the Lutheran church is home to so many cultures. Just like Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin was in the 19th century.


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Read TALLAK! immigrant

TALLAK! immigrant tells the story of the everyday lives of 18th and 19th century immigrants. They loved their home country, but didn’t have much time to mourn that loss, as they worked and loved and lived in the country they had chosen to begin their new lives. 

Antigone Book Store
411 N 4th Ave, Tucson, AZ

Novel Bay Booksellers
44 N Third Ave, Sturgeon Bay, WI