Musing about our land

I drove across our country in October. From Blairsville, Georgia to my home in Tucson, Arizona. From the Blue Ridge Mountains to the Rockies, across wet land and dry land. Across our wide open spaces.

There's land left, folks. There are towns crying out for entrepreneurs, people to grow vegetables, corral sheep, help raise the wind towers, install the solar panels, rejuvenate those fading structures.

We have space for new immigrants. Our land cries out for them. The Tallak's of today, the Ellen's, their parents and their children, their descendants. Suffering where space has run out. Let's reconsider. Open those borders again. Our land is generous. Let the people be generous too.
Which made me think . . .

How about requiring every individual running for national office to drive across this country . . . perhaps twice. Different routes. In a car. Stop in a motel at night, eat local, see and sense and feel our large piece of the world.

Secondary roads, although even interstates let us see those wide-open spaces. East to West. West to East. North to South. Vice versa. Small towns required on the route.

That's all. Just a road trip. . .

There is room here.

The Great Depression 1929 - 1940

My pending manuscript, the story of three generations of women, is taking form. The title remains unknown, but here's a taste of the story to come. The story of heritage, helping, the importance of family in sharing the burden.  This story embraces ten years of a lifetime. What will our story be in the years […]

Peace . . . . and Power

It is not peaceful, it's powerful. 

I’m feeling it. Are you?

I’m feeling the walls coming down inside of me. The walls crumbling a little more with each book I read of black lives, by each black face I see on a video sharing his or her thoughts and pain. 

Coronavirus - Spanish Flu

I am immersed in a new story celebrating three women of three successive generations. Two of these characters lived through the pandemic of their time, the Spanish Flu. Their flu was coupled with the devastating World War, with death from bullets and disease convulsing the country. Our COVID-19 has now coupled with the worldwide protests […]

Spring? Summer? Safe? Sound?

Welcome! You can barely tell that you have morphed from newsletter to blog . . . it's so coordinated! For this, I thank Mike Erickson, my WordPress Website guru, who put the basics together, leaving only the content for me to agonize over. Looks good, yes?  And just to continue the theme —another glance at Spring […]

Coronavirus and Living Well

Living Well through the Coronavirus Chaos


Berlin Wall    Great American Wall

Musing about our land

I drove across our country in October. From Blairsville, Georgia to my home in Tucson, Arizona. From the Blue Ridge Mountains to the Rockies, across wet land and dry land. Across our wide open spaces. There's land left, folks. There are towns crying out for entrepreneurs, people to grow vegetables, corral sheep, help raise the […]

Immigration Yesterday

The 4th of July a celebration for immigrants? For many immigrants to the U.S. in the late 19th century, July 4th was deeply significant: Their own home countries were fighting for independence. Perhaps I was hasty when I said there would be no blogs. There are some ideas that come to my attention that I […]

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